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Cryptocurrency Statistics 2022-2023: Investing in Cryptocurrencies

Over the past decade, cryptocurrency has turned from an undervalued asset into a very popular investment. Cryptocurrencies are a form of digital currency protected by cryptography and computer networks. These currencies are not controlled by traditional centralized institutions such as the government or a bank, and transactions are carried out while maintaining the anonymity of buyers and sellers.

The way cryptocurrencies work can sometimes be complicated, and below is an easy-to-understand guide to the most important things you need to know about digital currencies and new developments in the crypto market.

The rise and fall of the crypto market - brief Facts

  • After the 2008 recession, a person or group named Satoshi Nakamoto created a "white paper" dedicated to the control of the central bank over money and the control of governments over citizens' money.
  • In 2009, bitcoin was created, launching a cryptocurrency from the academic concept of a real currency competitor.
  • The purpose of bitcoin was to eliminate censorship, censorship and fees associated with monetary transactions. It was assumed that the legitimacy provided by third-party institutions such as banks would be replaced by online crypto networks.
  • On January 3, 2009, the first blockchain with the first "block" called genesis block was launched.
  • The first real transaction with bitcoin took place on May 22, 2010, when a man from Florida agreed to buy a $25 Papa John's pizza for 10,000 bitcoins. This created the first actual cost of bitcoin - 4 bitcoins per penny. Since then, fans have dubbed this day "Bitcoin Pizza Day.”
  • In February 2011, the bitcoin price exceeded the $1 threshold. 11 years later, Bitcoin reached its all-time high of $68,789 in November 2021.
  • Since the creation of bitcoin, more than 19,000 different cryptocurrencies have been created.
  • Bitcoin is the most valuable currency in circulation, with Ethereum and Tether in second and third places.
  • All current cryptocurrencies are worth about $919 billion, of which about $389 billion is bitcoin (as of July 7, 2022), according to .
  • According to research and markets, the global online payments market reached $6.75 trillion in 2021.
  • As of July 7, 2022, the size of the Bitcoin blockchain is about 415 GB, which is almost twice as much as just three years ago.

Encrypted user statistics and demographics

In 2021, about 59.1 million Americans owned some form of cryptocurrency.

Vietnam currently ranks first in the global cryptocurrency adoption index in Chain Analytics, followed by India and Pakistan, leading the top three.

According to the chain analysis, several large consumers are located in emerging markets such as Ukraine, Kenya, Nigeria.

High-income people are disproportionately represented in the United States: those earning $100,000 or more per year make up 25 percent of cryptocurrency owners, but only 15 percent of the general public.

According to the Morning Consult report, about 70 percent of cryptocurrency owners are also men, but represent only 48 percent of the general population. Women make up 30 percent of cryptocurrency owners, but 52 percent of the general population.

Latinos are overrepresented among cryptocurrency owners. About 16 percent of the U.S. population identifies as Hispanic, but 24 percent of cryptocurrency owners identify themselves, according to Morning Consult.

Crypto users are also overwhelmingly millennials. Morning Consult reports that 57 percent of all cryptocurrency owners in the United States are millennials, although they make up 30 percent of the total population.

General Z represents 13 percent of cryptocurrency holders, but 11 percent of the population, and general X owns 20 percent of the cryptocurrency, representing 27 percent of the population, Morning Consult reports.

The impact of encryption on the environment-statistics

Although cryptocurrencies have created a new alternative payment method and opened the doors to millions of people around the world, the production of cryptocurrencies is mired in controversy because of the energy needed to produce it.

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are "mined" in decentralized computer networks that work like a large ledger. This registry tracks each of the encrypted transactions, and computers across the network verify and process each transaction through the blockchain database.

Think of it as a long receipt that records every transaction in cryptocurrency.  As transactions are processed and verified, new bitcoins are created or mined. Mining is the process of adding another record to the receipt or another block to the chain.

This process requires powerful, sophisticated computers - and a lot of electricity. Referring to the Cambridge Electricity Consumption Index for Bitcoin, Columbia University reports that as of May 2022, Bitcoin alone consumed approximately 150 TWh of electricity per year - more than Argentina with a population of 45 million people.

According to the Cambridge Index, bitcoin mining consumes so much electricity that it accounts for 0.40 percent of all global electricity consumption as of July 2022. According to economic times estimates, mining bitcoin alone leads to emissions of 22-22.9 million metric tons of carbon dioxide per year, similar to Sri Lanka's emissions.

According to Digiconomist, if bitcoin were a country, it would be in the top 30 energy consumers worldwide.

According to the world of digital economy, the carbon footprint of a bitcoin transaction is equivalent to more than 975,000 Visa transactions.

According to a study published in the journal Nature Climate Change, bitcoin emissions alone can raise the average global temperature above 2 degrees Celsius.

It is estimated that bitcoin mining consumes the same amount of electricity as all data centers in the world, according to a study by Joule magazine.

Cryptonalogs and Economic Statistics

When cryptocurrencies were first created, it was almost impossible for state tax authorities to track them. A distinctive feature of blockchain transactions is anonymity, which means that the identity of the buyer or seller cannot be established.

However, since 2014, the US Internal Revenue Service has stated that cryptocurrency is treated as property for federal income tax purposes.  Although the agency itself has not yet published official estimates, a new analysis by Barclays suggests that the IRS is losing approximately $50 billion a year in taxes that must be paid for crypto assets.

The purchase and storage of cryptocurrencies is not considered a taxable event. You can buy cryptocurrencies and keep them for as long as you want (although you must indicate this on your tax return), but as soon as you decide to sell (or make a profit or loss), you will need to report the amount of profit or loss from the sale.

The Future of Cryptography

The popularity of cryptocurrencies has increased in recent years, as access to encryption has become easier. The asset is still incredibly volatile, and in 2022, high interest rates caused a sell-off of bitcoin as volatile investors unloaded what is still considered a risky investment.

Governments around the world, including the United States, have also begun to analyze how to regulate cryptocurrency. On March 9, 2022, US President Joe Biden signed an executive order calling for a broad review of digital assets, including cryptocurrencies. Federal agencies are currently studying cryptocurrencies and assessing the risks they pose to government financial stability, among other considerations.

Difficulties with tax reporting and disputes over cryptocurrencies have led to the complete blocking of digital assets in nine countries: Algeria, Bolivia, Bangladesh, the Dominican Republic, Ghana, Nepal, Northern Macedonia, Qatar and Vanuatu. China, which used to account for the majority of bitcoin mining in the world, has now also completely banned cryptocurrencies.

Cryptocurrency, although available as a means of payment for some companies scattered around the world, has not made an official leap as a widely available currency. Many large companies already accept cryptocurrency as a form of currency or payment, but the list is relatively limited:

  • AT&T offers customers the option to pay via BitPay.
  • Microsoft allows you to pay for Xbox Store loans with bitcoins.
  • payment is allowed on its website with bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies.
  • The Twitch gaming streaming platform accepts Bitcoin and bitcoin cash as payment.
  • AMC cinemas allow moviegoers to buy tickets using bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies.
  • The Dallas Mavericks allows the use of bitcoins to purchase game tickets and merchandise through the team's website.

To date, El Salvador and the Central African Republic accept cryptocurrencies as legal tender, although both countries are experiencing significant problems with their implementation.

Bottom line

The volatile nature of cryptocurrencies and disputes related to the impact on the climate make them speculative investments. Even a more established currency like bitcoin is risky. All cryptocurrencies are fairly new, and it is difficult to compare asset-backed investments such as stocks with digital currencies that are supported only by investor sentiment.

Cryptocurrencies have become popular in recent years, but they still face a number of challenges. Increased regulatory oversight by governments around the world, extremely volatile price fluctuations and volatile investor sentiment will continue to put pressure on the future of digital currencies.
