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The Future of Cryptocurrency - Is it a Bubble Waiting to Burst?

In the past few years, cryptocurrency has gained popularity and become a hot topic of discussion. In case you aren’t familiar with the term, cryptocurrency is a digital currency that uses encryption to secure transactions. As a result, it’s also called “crypto” money or virtual money. 

If you have been following the news lately, you may think that all of these virtual currencies are nothing more than an insane bubble waiting to burst. On one hand, this might be true; after all, anything that increases in value by more than 1,300 percent in less than a year can hardly be considered stable. On the other hand, there are some very solid reasons why we should take cryptocurrency seriously and understand its potential for the future .

What is Behind the Rise of Cryptocurrency?

In order to understand why cryptocurrency has become so popular, it’s important to look back at the history of money. For thousands of years, humans have used various forms of currency. And while the specific form of currency has changed over time, its value has remained the same: it is a system to facilitate trade. But the rise of cryptocurrency isn’t just due to a new system of trade.

Rather, it’s due to a change in the way that currency is perceived by the general population. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of people who distrust the government and financial institutions. This is especially true in countries like Russia and China.

Why Is Cryptocurrency Worth Keeping an Eye on?

Due to the lack of trust in traditional systems of currency, people have begun to look for alternatives. In the past, this meant using precious metals such as gold as a currency. However, cryptocurrencies are digital and can be used with any sort of computer or device. Not only do cryptocurrencies have virtually no storage costs, they can be exchanged electronically.

This makes them incredibly easy to use. Similarly, cryptocurrencies offer a high level of anonymity. While this makes them a useful tool for those who wish to engage in criminal activity, it also makes them useful for those who simply wish to keep their financial activities private.

As cryptocurrencies become more popular, we can expect to see more banks, governments, and other large organizations accept them as payment. This means that cryptocurrencies will become an increasingly normal part of our everyday lives.

The Dark Side of Crypto

Unfortunately, the rise of cryptocurrency also comes with a dark side. Cryptocurrencies, like all other forms of currency, are subject to the laws of supply and demand. As a result, cryptocurrencies are incredibly volatile. In fact, they are so volatile that they don’t really act like real currencies at all. For example, we can expect the price of a single Bitcoin to go up and down several times a day.

This makes cryptocurrencies incredibly risky and unstable. As a result, they are not currently used in any significant way by large organizations such as governments or businesses. However, there is a way to stabilize cryptocurrencies and make them into a more stable, traditional form of currency. This is done by using a process called “tokenization.”

How Will Blockchain Help Advance Cryptocurrency?

The key to stabilizing cryptocurrency is the use of blockchain technology. Blockchain is the system that allows cryptocurrencies to function. Essentially, it is a list of transactions that is completely decentralized. More importantly, it is completely transparent. This means that the details of each transaction are visible to everyone, but the participants are anonymous.

This is made possible by the fact that each transaction is connected to the details of the previous transaction. As a result, the current transaction can be linked to the previous one. This means that it is nearly impossible to alter a single transaction. If someone tried to change that transaction, it would also change the details of the previous one. This would be obvious to everyone using the system because the details of both transactions would change.

Bitcoin’s Misstep: Instability and Speculation

Up until the end of 2017, Bitcoin was the leading cryptocurrency. However, speculation and instability led to the rise of other coins. In fact, there are over 1,300 cryptocurrencies that can be exchanged for goods or services. This means that Bitcoin is no longer the only game in town.

It has been surpassed in value by coins such as Ripple and Ethereum. These currencies are more stable and have proven themselves better at facilitating transactions between individuals. As a result, the future of cryptocurrency lies in these newer coins. Although Bitcoin may still be around, we can expect other coins to overtake it.


As time goes on, cryptocurrency will become more stable and more widely accepted. In the short-term, we can expect to see an increase in the number of businesses and governments that accept cryptocurrencies as payment. In the long-term, blockchain technology will help stabilize cryptocurrencies and make them more like traditional forms of currency.
As a result, we can expect cryptocurrency to become a more normal part of daily life. It’s impossible to accurately predict the future, but we can be sure that cryptocurrency is here to stay.
